Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Ms. Hoyt’s Class

Ms. Hoyt’s Kindergarteners have been learning to describe characters in stories.  In the Technology Lab we watched the audio book, Spookley the Square Pumpkin, by visiting this Symbaloo webmix. Next, we discussed words that would describe Spookley and worked together to spell them.  Finally, students worked in groups using the Draw & Tell app to draw Spookley and copy a describing word to label their picture. Enjoy their work!


This week in the Technology Lab students learned about rocks via this Symbaloo webmix.
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Some students choose to Tweet about what they learned about rocks.

Famous American Inventors

This week in the Technology Lab we are learning about famous American inventors.  First Ms. Hoyt’s kindergarteners watched a BrainPopJr.com video about George Washington Carver.  After discussing his accomplishments and why we should remember him, students made videos using the PhotoSpeak app to share what they learned.  Their videos were compiled via iMovie on a Macbook.  Enjoy their work!