Learning About Martin Luther King, Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, Mrs. Corbell’s students learned about his life and his work.  First, they watched a BrainPop, Jr. video about him.

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Next, we discussed how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was working to make the world a better place.  Students used their choice of tool to show how they would make the world a better place.  The tools they used included:

Enjoy their work!

Skyping with Santa

White Oak Primary students had fun this morning Skyping with Santa!  Santa was very kind to take time out of his busy schedule to answer all our questions.  Thank you Santa Claus!  Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Mrs. Corbell’s class made Christmas cards using this card maker from abcya.com.  Before making them, we discussed how our military serves our country every day of the year, even on holidays.  Students were asked to keep our service men and women in mind as they created their cards. These cards have been printed out and sent to a group of our military men and women serving overseas.  Enjoy their work below!

Merry Christmas to our service men and women!  Thank you for your dedication to our country!

Hour of Code

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This week in the Technology Lab, White Oak Primary students will be participating in the worldwide Hour of Code event as part of Computer Science Education Week.  Students will either be using activities from the Symbaloo webmix below or iPad apps pictured below:

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For more information about Hour of Code, visit: http://hourofcode.com/us